Sunday, 31 August 2014

Atherton Tablelands

BRRRR  its a bit chilly up here at night.  We have put an extra blanket on our beds and back in our winter pyjama's.
Saturday was a busy day  we started with pancakes for breaky.  Then of to the Mareeba Markets.  Very nice little market, the kids got a lucky dip, we all shared a twirly potato thingy on a stick that was very yummy.  I got talking crochet to a nice lady who also taught herself crochet via youtube.  The markets was next to the visitors centre, that was very handy.  At the back of the visitors centre was a great little historical museum with the entrance being by donation.  It was great and had an old classroom where Pete and the grey nomads reminisced  about getting the cane and blackboard dusters flying past their ears.  There was also an old train, coppers washing machine,  ambulance, blacksmith, pub, butcher and James had fun mowing the grass with an old hand pushed rotary motor.  But what was really interesting was a big display about the tobacco growing industry.  Tobacco growing was really big up here back in the day.  I did not realise how big the actual leaves where, they are about the size of a A4 page.

Jmaes mowing

churning butter

While in there we meet up with some fellow Canberran Travellers we had meet back in Sarina.  They advised us to go to Bruno's coffee plantation.  There are a few coffee plantations up here so we where glad of the advice as we where planning to go to one.  So of we went and found our way past the chickens and cats to find  Maria and Bruno in the roasting shed.  Bruno was busy so the lovely Maria showed us around and explained all things coffee from the planting to the harvesting, fermenting, sun drying and then onto the roasting.  It was all very interesting.  Pete finished with a coffee and I had a tea.  The coffee must have been good as Pete purchased a bag of there roasted coffee

Grace who loves gemstones was then in heaven as we went to the Crystal Caves.   We all donned hardhats with lights and entered the caves.  Every where you looked there was magnificent gemstones hidden away.  It was like a treasure hunt with every nook and cranny of the caves hiding beautiful stones and fossils.  To think this was one mans collections who built the caves and hid his gems in there. Right down the bottom of the cave was biggest Amythest we have ever seen.  This was well worth the money spent for the kids enjoyment in discovery the many gems and fossils.  I know one certain Aunty M who could have been down the cave with Grace all day and unlike me would have known the names of all  the gems.  Aunty M be prepared for Grace to bring her collection to show you next time we visit.
The non Rotating Empress of Uruguay

We arrived back the park at 4 had a reviving culpa and then I discovered a bush walk behind the park.  The Widow maker it was called.  I should have known then to turn back.  It was a steep uphill climb, my heart was ticking away at a hundred miles an hour, this walk just didn't seem to stop. " Come on Mum" said the kids.  Well once up top my god the view was worth it.  Views of Atherton and over the patchwork of this lush green rural landscape dotted with lakes and dams.  huff puff Just Beautiful.

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